Friday 11 August 2017

Amun King of the Gods - Gods of Ancient Egypt

Amun King of the Gods - Gods of Ancient Egypt

Amun often referred as King of the Gods was among the most powerful Gods in Egypt. Throughout the history of Egypt has been an important figure and when combined with Ra, the Sun god, he became even more powerful referred as Amun-Ra. Amun is often known by names like the god of the sun, air and the sky. He is the member of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis, and was one of the eight gods who formed the same, followed by the Theban triad. The symbols used for representing the god are the Amun crown of two, the ram headed sphinx and the long feathers.

Some more about life of Amun

Some alternative names which are used to designate Amun are Amon, Amen, Amana, Ammon and Hammon. The cult centre of the god is at Thebes which is modern day Luxor and here is also built a large and important temple in the honor of the god. Amun was the husband of Mut, referred as the Mother Goddess during the Thebes Triad and the name of his son was Khonsu, who was known as the Moon God.

Various Representations

God Amun from Egyptian history was often associated with a large number of animals whom he even transformed into during inscriptions. Originally goose depicted him and due to this he got the epithet the Great Cackler. Most commonly Amun was depicted as Ram which symbolized fertility. Finally he was depicted as a king on his throne wearing the double plumed crown.

In the texts found on Pyramids, Amun was described as a primeval deity and a figure symbolizing creative force. However he came to power during the eleventh dynasty after succeeding the Theban war god, Montu.

Amun was worshipped in not just Egypt but his worship spread to some neighboring countries as well and especially in Nubia. Amun Ra emerged as the principle god during the twelfth dynasty and Greeks considered him equivalent to Zeus.

Celebrations associated with Amun

Celebration mainly associated with this King of the Gods was the Opet festival in which the statue of Amun was carried down the river Nile from the temple of Karnak to the temple of Luxor where was celebrated the marriage of this god with Mut.

How Amun became God

Amun was adopted as the King of the Gods in Thebes with Mut as his consort. He was made a national god by the first pharaoh of the New Kingdom, Ahmose I. The pharaoh believed that Amun has assisted him in sending out the Hykos from the country. Also Amun was adopted into Ennead of Heliopolis after he combined with the sun god Ra becoming even more powerful and important as Amun Ra. After joining with Ra, Amun became both an invisible and a visible god.

Temple's of Amun Honor

In order to show gratitude to Amun who quickly rose to power, many temples were built throughout the Middle Kingdom by the royal family. The most notable of these are the great Temple at Karnak and the Luxor Temple.


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